Wednesday, April 18, 2007


So tonight I was watching The Prestige with Random. Well, she was sleeping in my arms, anyway.

I had turned up the stereo a bit more than usual, as I was straining to hear some of Christian Bale's quiet dialogue.

There was a gunshot on screen, and Random started.

Started hard.

And then her mouth screwed up into a grimace. There was a moment's delay, and the grimace hardened. Then, she started to cry. A mournful, pathetic cry. One I'd not yet really heard.

I calmed her down with a bottle, and after a time, it happened again, only this time when one of the Tesla devices started up a light show.

And then it came back to me.

With Gamble, I remember watching his emotions grow in, basically one by one.

With Random, we have only started to see joy, and now we're very clearly on to the next one: fear.

They do grow so fast...

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