As you can see from the picture, Gamble has one tooth less.
He lost it in the shower. Pabu was in the tub, and I heard Gamble yell out. I went to see, and he was crying, and had his hand over his mouth.
Looked like maybe he had some blood, too.
I ran and got him a salt water rinse, and helped him out of the shower. Right then I snapped this pic - it was tough to get him to smile then.
He had to call Nic's folks right away, so he did, and while I was helping out the Pobbes, I heard him say, "Do you think I should tell Daddie?"
Yes. Yes he should.
And he did. When I asked, he said that he was wondering whether to tell me how he lost his tooth. I hadn't even thought of that.
He said that he wasn't able to open the shampoo bottle, so he tried to use his teeth. He must have gotten it open, though, since he had shampoo in his hair when I found him.
Tooth fairy comes down the chimney tonight!
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