Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Counting to Selen

Random's developing so quickly.  Day care has done wonders for her, and weekly - maybe even daily - I'm impressed with something new she's doing.  It's all happenening faster than I can blog it, so I'm going to hit the high points here.

She's counting clearly now.  She doesn't get everything pronounced just right.  For example, she says "seven" as either "selen" or "senen".  And sometimes she gets stuck.  Last week, she got stuck at selen.  She counted one-two-three-four-five-six-selen... six-selen... six-selen.  Basically stuck in a loop until I would say eight, at which point she'd say eight-nine-ten, Yayyyy!

This week, she seems to be trying to count to twenty, but gets stuck at fourteen like a verbal Pooh bear and we have to get behind her numbers and push.

The other thing that she's doing these days is being independent.  It's amazing.  She wants to dress herself, feed herself, dip her food into barbecue boss.  Try to do anything for her, and you'll be rebuked with a sharp "Nan-num turn!"

She also likes tea parties.  I thought that whole thing was a myth, but she'll pour me tea and I'll pretend to drink it all day.  I mean, really.  All day.  She loves it.

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