Thursday, March 1, 2007

Baking Brownies

Ok, so Random decided that despite keeping her mother up for almost 24 hours, she was going to sleep for her dear ol' dad.

And what did I do with the time?

Why, I made some brownies, of course! I had a sweet jones on, and thought I should whip up some brownies from scratch.

The interesting part? The brownies are not only not vegan. They're not even entirely vegetarian.

Letting that sink in a bit for dramatic effect. I'll wait...

That's right. As part of a long-standing discussion I've had with many friends over the years, I've always contended that there must be some way to make a dessert that contained meat (and that tasted good as a dessert - I mean, I can make chorizo pudding, and it probably won't be great). And not some froofy meat like candied ham. I mean manly meat.

Hamburger. Ground beef. The recipe I used is here.

The suspense is killing me. They're baking right now. I think I'm going to take them to work tomorrow.

Pshew. And they say new parents lose their minds for a while. What a fine line between genius and insanity (or clever and stupid, if that's your fancypancy).

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