Welcome, Random Jolie Davis. This is the first day of the rest of your life. We are pleased to know you.
Many of you know that last week, we went in for the amnio to determine whether Baby Random, then Razzie, had mature enough lungs to breathe out of the womb. She was borderline, so the C Section we had planned for last Wednesday was rescheduled for Tuesday, February 6.
Nicole wasn't happy, as uncomfortable as she was, and it made the house so tense that when Nic's folks offered to take Gamble for the weekend, we said it would be okay. Thursday and Friday, I worked, and on Saturday we rested.
But we were bored, and at the end of Saturday, and beginning of Sunday, Nicole kept asking me, "Well, got any ideas on what to do to kill an entire day?"
I didn't. But Razzie did.
I'd just finished my shower and was on my way upstairs to get bref-kes when I heard Nic call me. "Kevin, I think my water broke."
Sure enough, puddles puddles puddles.
So in a jiffy bags were packed, cars were driven, and hospitals were arrived at. The relatives were jingled, and the big brother was summoned to return through blinding, driving Indiana snow.
And so it was, on Razzie's own terms, that we figured out what we would do on Sunday. Her doctor was in Michigan, so they summoned in the pinch hitter (sorry, wrong sport, but when the pinch hitter's the head of OB, we don't mind). And on Super Bowl Sunday no less. All we could do was look at each other and say, "Go Bears."
We got admitted, and they got Nic on the monitor. Baby was doing fine. Mommie's blood sugar took a dive, but they got an IV in and sugar started. They wheeled her away after several consultations to the O.R., and after quite a few breathless minutes (ok, so I was playing Metroid Pinball on the DS, but then my battery died, so I had to start pacing), they summoned the Daddie to the O.R., too.
I got there, and she'd had a much better spinal than before. Her blood pressure took a serious and dizzying turn while I was out, and the anaesthesiologist had to give her a new IV quick to get some meds in.
A few minutes later, and I was told to look over the curtain. Yep. That's a girl. She was a bloody, purplish, whitish mess, but she was beautiful. I watched as the doctors clamped and cut the cord. They whisked her over to the other side of the room.
The big difference from when Gamble was born was that we heard her cry almost instantly. It didn't really sound like crying. More like quacking. But constant. "Waaak. Waaak. Waaak." After about 10 minutes of hearing the doctors and nurses working with her, and this constant quacking throughout, I began to laugh. Laugh and cry. Holding Nic's hand, I said something along the lines of "Oh my. Just like her brother, she doesn't stop!"
And she didn't stop for well over an hour. I have a couple videos, too big to send out, really, of her just wailing while they measure her vitals:
Random Jolie Davis
37 Weeks
8 lb., 15 oz.
20 in.
After measuring her up, they checked her blood sugar. She was quite low, so she was whisked away to NICU, where they've currently got her on an IV and she's doing well. She had the same fast breathing as her brother, so she's not taking much by mouth and has an NG tube. She's able to take some food by mouth, however, and her color is looking great. We hope that she'll be up in the room with us tomorrow, but for now, I get to go between my girls, keeping them safe.
Gamble has met Random, and he's already so happy with her. He just wants to touch her and see her and is frustrated by all the NICU rules, so we can't wait until they're able to interact more.
Nicole has been moved from 3535 to 3514, for everyone who got the original note. Central Dupage Hospital has a fantastic nursing staff. Well, a fantastic everything. What a great place to see a new baby into the world.
Nic's doing very well, recovering better than any other time I've seen her out of surgery. Hopefully by tomorrow she'll have had a great night's sleep.
Gamble's home with Nic's folks, and hopefully will get to go for a full day of school tomorrow.
As for me, I'm on my way back to NICU to see Random for a little bit before bedtime.
Good night, everyone.
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