Last night went okay. Random ate at twelve-thirty, and then got up again at two-thirty and started getting ready for another feeding. We all went back to sleep at three, and she let us sleep okay until about six.
After feeding she stayed up till eight, when she started making unmistakable signals for hunger. Then she dozed on and off until ten.
One difference emerges early. Gamble was always fussing. His gastric reflux always made him upset.
Random is very even-tempered thus far. I don't remember Gamble ever just lying there looking around, but Random will do it for a long time before fussing. She loves just sitting there looking at whomever's holding her, and even when she's getting extremely hungry, she's very patient and doesn't cry very much.
We've heard her wail, but not very often.
So one night under the belt. And not too bad. Life is grand.
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