A great night. Fantastic night.
Last night around 11, I got to go down and see Random in the NICU. She still had the NG tube, but I got to rest and hold her. I was there for an hour.
A restless night, so I was up at six. Back down to the NICU, and everything was going great. The nurse said she was crabby from getting her diaper changed, but she calmed down quickly. It was time to eat, and the NG tube was out. I got to feed her.
After eating, she fell back asleep soundly. She sleeps well, and if she starts to fuss, a couple words, and she was back out. I held her for quite a while, and then I started to feel some wettie farties on the back end. Oh good, I thought. The output's working as well. I got the nurse, and we put her back in the bassinette. I thought I dodged a bullet.
She slept for a couple more hours, while I came up to see Nic and get some breakfast. Then I went back down, scrubbed up, and went to see her.
I got there just in time for another feeding. And just in time to change the diaper. The nurse wanted me to get practice.
Meconium. Yeah. Just click. It's the Wikipedia entry.
I got the real thing. Nasty.
But then I got to feed her again, and Nic's folks arrived just in time to see her burp milk out through her nose.
Ah yes. I forget how absolutely messy a baby can be.
Also, some folks ask what the name means. I had a look out at a dictionary site today, and the very first definition they gave: lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern. Given how the whole picking of the birthday, I have to say that she's living up to her name.
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