Thursday, May 22, 2008


So tonight, I completed my first road race. I did not run the whole JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge, but I did cross the finish line.

And I did it in less time than I'd ever done it at home. 3.5 miles in 46:40.

Like most other things I've done in this vein (jumping out of a perfectly good airplane comes to mind), the decision to run a race was made over a beer, this time with co-workers about a month ago. I started training, and have used my treadmill in the past month like it was going out of style.

So for a month, I have been training. Starting from only being able to run a quarter mile at one time, to making the 3.5 mile run in a little over 45 minutes.

It took dedication. On my part, for sure. But more importantly, Nicole was dedicated to helping me reach that goal, and I love her for it. She cleared my calendar and made sure I had time to practice, time to get on the treadmill.

This time was taken from other things we could have been doing, but my family supported me. Most of all, it took time away from time I would have otherwise spent with Gamble.

So when it came time to pick out shorts for the race? I chose my green shiny shorts, because his favorite color is still green.

It's my way of dedicating some of my dedication to him.

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