Friday, January 11, 2008

Printing Receipts

Random is such a different baby than Gamble was. Everything about her - the way that she plays, her demeanor, her curiousity - is different.

Gamble wasn't very curious as a baby, and he didn't play with toys the way we assumed "normal" babies played with them. He didn't get into things he was supposed to stay out of, and he didn't try to, say, put those yummy ends of the mop strings in his mouth. He also didn't play with the really small baby toys. He bypassed them and headed right to the more advanced stuff. I was always kind of disappointed, like we were cheated out of watching him learn.

Random, however, does play with baby toys, and seems fascinated with them. This is fascinating to me. Combine that with her natural happiness, and she's a joy.

But the getting into things she's not supposed to? Well, she's keeping us on our toes.

For example, yesterday Nicole walked into her bedroom after letting her play in her crib for a while. Nic found most of Random's dirty laundry (that she could reach) in her crib! She'd reached out into her hamper, which was pretty full, and started rescuing her clothes. The other day, Nicole found in her playing in the garbage can that normally resides in Random's room, but was in the hallway. We put the garbage can in the hallway when it has dirty stinky diapers in it. And little girl was curious about dirty diapers.

Just yesterday, I came home from work to find Nic slaving away in the kitchen with Random sitting in her high chair. In her concentration, Nicole hadn't noticed that Random had leaned out of her high chair to grab a bunch of Wendy's coupons. She had one pretty chewed up.

"Honey!" Nic exclaimed. "Sweep her mouth and get that paper out of there."

"Whoops! Sorry. She swallowed it. At this point you're more likely to see a receipt out of her!"

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