Monday, January 7, 2008


Having divested my son of many of his cute sayings, I finally decided to let him keep them as long as they stick around. Not all of them, probably, but certainly a few.

Like now. He's so into video games that he's always talking about defeating bad guys, but most of the time, that's not what he says.

"I'm going to make him defeat."

I can't bring myself to break him of this one. He sounds like a bad Japanese translation, and on him, it's cute. Whether he's pretending he's Sonic talking about defeating "Eggman Nega" from Sonic Rush, or whether he's yelling, "Get ready to be schooled!" Or even "Daddie, want to watch me do a boss fight?" he's having some kind of internal battle.

Of course, he talks all the time still, but now someone else is learning to do the same. Miss Random is now chattering and squealing all the time. Lots of strings of babble, mostly, but we're getting Dadadadada and Mom-mum-mum-mum all the time.

In fact, one of her recent patterns is that she'll say Ma-mum-mum-mum Ba-ba-ba-ba. You have 10 minutes to get her a bottle before she goes thermonuclear, and she occasionally does just that. She had a fit the other night and started slapping and kicking at Nicole for no great reason other than she wasn't happy about going to bed or somesuch.

I just want to know, when they finally start talking to each other, who will get made defeat?

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