Monday, January 19, 2009


Tubes successfully installed.

Random is recovering very well. We thought she'd be wobbly, but quite the opposite.

Could be my imagination, but she's been jabbering all day. She's been communicating her desires clearly, saying her words more clearly.

Today she managed to communicate that I had to wear my glove on my right hand, and I could wear my left one, except when she wanted it, and then she had first dibbs.

Oh, and she kicked me off the TV because it's surgery day and she wanted to watch Strawberry Shortcake, which is now her favorite in the world. She doesn't watch it always, but if she sees it's not on, here she comes bup-bup-bup with the DVD in hand saying "cake-cake".

Oh and you wouldn't know she had surgery this morning for all the dancing she's doing. Dancing and now doing somersaults. Over and over. Grammie helped her do it once and she kept coming back saying "'gain!"

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