Thursday, February 7, 2008


Gamble was having trouble in the bathroom last night.

"Daddie, can you come help me poop?"

Oh, dear. But I go.

I sit on his little stool. The little puzzle stool that Nicole's cousin Kenny got him that has his name spelled out in wooden blocks. I'm always a little surprised that it doesn't collapse under my weight.

I watch as he strains and squirms. Pushes and grunts. Lifting up any obstructions, he peeks down there.

"I don't see anything!"

Oh, dear.

"Daddie? How come it always hurts when I poop? It always feels like it's square, not circular."

Oh, dear. The fun just keeps on coming. Current analysis is that he's not eating much because he's not pooping much, because he's frequently constipated. Nicole gave him some fiber last night, and hopefully, he gets on to poo that's more cylindrical, not rectilinear.

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