We got our glasses Wednesday. Gamble's eyes look very big through them, so he looks a little different than in the picture a couple days ago.
Already, whenever he has them off, I don't recognize him. It's amazing how quickly you become adjusted to how someone looks with glasses on. He looks so studious and grown up with them on, too.
Things haven't gone terribly smoothly with them. At first they itched him. Then they bothered his ears.
On Thursday, Gamble was working with Nicole on an art project for Valentine's day when I called them from my commute home. We'd talked for a few minutes and I hear, "Gamble, what the...? I gotta call you back."
A few minutes later, Nicole called me back, freaked out a little. "Do you know what he did? He wrote his name backwards."
"He wrote the letters in the wrong order?"
"No. He wrote them right to left. His whole name. Each letter is backwards."
"Do you have any idea what would cause this?"
"I don't know. Demonic possession?"
"Be serious, do you think it could be his new glasses?"
"Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. Redrum! Redrum!" Ok, admittedly, I'd crossed a line here. But I was pretty freaked by this turn of events.
We gave him a hiatus from his new glasses only a day after he'd got them. We went back to the doctor yesterday, who confirmed that the prescription was corrrect, and that he was seeing 20/20 from his left eye. His right eye? It was heartbreaking to watch him sitting in the chair with his glasses on saying that he couldn't read what looked to be extremely large letters on the wall.
The best thing is that we caught this early, and that we have a chance to get his eye focusing well enough that the brain will stop ignoring it, giving him back the bifocal vision that the rest of us take for granted.
And as for the backwards writing, we don't have an explanation. The doctor thought he might be experimenting. I don't know. I don't think that we understand exactly what's going on with him. Theories about right/left brainedness and the awakening of the left hemisphere with all this new visual input abound, but we don't have an answer. Anyone who's ever seen anything like this, I'd love to hear from you.