From Grammie,
"Talking to Gamble, he shocked us with the following:
"'Grammie you know I have a beard?'
"'Really, Gamble? When did this happen?'
"'Yesterday,' replied Gamble, 'I got it at the Dollar Store!'
"'Gamble, how is your baby sister?'
"Gamble asked, 'Which one?'
"'What? What do you mean, Gamble?'
"Oh, Grammie , you didn’t hear? Mommie has another baby!'
"'Really? When did this happen?'
"'About 2 ½ years ago.'
"'Really? What is her name?'
"'Oh, I don’t know, Random only told me that she has a twin, and she has been in "secret Disguise” all this time!'
"Unreal. He does this all the time, and Grandbear and I think maybe he is just gearing up to be a great fiction writer! He always giggles a little, as if to say, 'Ha! I put one over on the old gram again!'"