Gamble and I were wandering around Walgreens waiting for a prescription to be filled. Eventually, I started looking up front at the iPod speakers and docks as maybe an easy way to get some tunes going in the bathroom. Gamble was sitting in the cart, playing Lego Star Wars on the DS.
He looked up at me and asked, "Daddie, are we *still* in this store?" He hates to shop, and gets so engrossed in the game, I think he forgets where he is.
Before I have the chance to answer, he sees what I'm looking for and in exasperation asks
"Daddie, When do I get an iPod?"
I was thinking that it was because Nic and I have phones, and he feels like he wants one too, so I asked, "Do you want an iPod?"
"Of course I do! Everyone in my class has one! My kindergarten class."
Ok, I was agog and aghast. iPods in kindergarten? Everyone has to happen? Peer pressure and status symbols at his age? Holy to the shizfit!
True calm, this Jedi Daddie maintained.
"Gamble, What would you do with an iPod?"
"I'd listen to music."
Ok, so this is really fishy. He doesn't listen to music, and has never really showed an interest. My mind races. What's his class listening to? PCD? Nelly Furtado? Akon? Nickelback? Fergie?
Instead, I ask, "Really, what kind of music?"
I should have known before I heard the answer, "Star Wars music!"
Of course. Guess we should get him a - wait for it - Jedi-Pod instead. Sorry. No, really. Couldn't resist that one. Really really sorry. Sometimes you use the force, but in Soviet Russia, force uses you!